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May or Mayn't
While March went out like a lamb and April showed real promise, this May has been more like "Mayn't," what with the cool temperatures and...

Flowers in February
Hello from Virginia where we’ve had a mild winter and some unseasonably warm days which has the saucer magnolia and cherry trees already...

Leaping into the New Year
The sheer spray rises from the crest of a powerful wave and curls around the backside, much as a surfer would do down the face; sliding...

"Do not Lose Heart"
O, how the flowers have bloomed this fall! After a hot, dry August in New York, the refreshing rains and cool breezes of Autumn brought...

Keep Your Eye on the Ball
I took a deep breath and adjusted my feet. The soft grass glistened in the morning sun. Light and heat warmed my limbs and I breathed it...

Super Hero in the Garden
A little hint of bring orange caught our eye here and there in the garden this past week. Just a low-growing, chickweed-looking ground...

Summer Heat
Rain slapped the roof. Wind whistled through the trees. The shutters. My soul. It sounded like someone was moving furniture in the next...

What's so Good About Friday?
I dipped my oars into the cold, inky lake. Beads of water ran down the paddles and into little whirlpools created by each stroke. My...

Walk This Way
As I walked down the snowy path with a sycamore stick in my hand, I tapped each arched limb and freed heavy snow from the many bent...

A Meaningful Christmas Tree
By Eve Goldstein Last year, at the age of 54, I decided to put up my first Christmas tree. That may seem odd to you but I wasn’t raised...
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