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Ivy Madness - a lesson in Faith
Stately, evergreen and a vigorous climber, English Ivy vines have been making “green walls” long before it became a thing. You’ve...

Clues from a Canine
While many have said the burning question in the human heart is: “Why am I here?” I believe the question is not quite that vague. If we...

Making the Most of the Mess
I’ve always loved mowing. There’s just something deeply satisfying to see all those little grass blades trimmed at the same height. (If...

Super Spreader
Have you heard there’s a blight spreading through the community? It may be hard to detect, easy to prevent and worth your while to get...

Planting in Succession Transient, fleeting, momentary… They are nature’s harbinger of a new cycle. Just when you thought winter would...

The Last Laugh
He thought he’d play a trick on me. Just turned fourteen, my son - with a captive audience of a few friends – grabbed one of those crazy,...

Good News in the Dead of Winter
I was devastated. The beautiful purple flowers fell off; one by one. A friend had given me her prized orchid a few weeks earlier as she...

The Night Before Christmas - with a Twist
Twas the night before Christmas And all through the land, not a family was together - large "gatherings" were banned. The stockings were...

The Rest of the Merry Story
It’s fibrous and tight. It’s perfectly cylindrical. It’s the cause of death – for a beautiful Japanese Maple that graced our yard. We...

KISS: Keep it Simple, Silly
To blog or not to blog? To plant or not to plant? Questions that used to seem simple to me, have taken on more weight in this time of...
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